Karin Monica – Umah Banyu PIKĀ
Wondering where is Umah Banyu? It’s Karin’s House! Yeah, we held her sixteenth birthday party just in her own private garden with poolside.. everything was awesome when we heard she wanna turned it into a garden party.. BLACK, GOLD, WHITE.. simple yet elegant, that’s her main concept. Do we make it? everything was perfect! The ambiance, the decoration, the food served by Ismaya Dining… aaah such a dream come true party for every girl ^^
Tes… tes.. tes… What we were afraid of coming without any notification! RAINING… No time for getting panicked too long, we moved all guest inside the indoor veranda and we didn’t really care on what’s going on outside. The show must go on!! We still having fun together, great games, great laugh, great friends, ended up with an awesome disco time ;D
We remembered Karin said :”Everything was perfect, except it’s raining”. And deep from our heart we really want to say to Karin, everything was perfect with no exception as you have been blessed with such an awesome Dad (who like to laugh a lot!), awesome Mom (she cooks like a master chef), awesome brother and sister, awesome best friends (especially Phoebe who willing to delay her birthday celebration), and the last which we would never forget : awesome Umah Banyu! haha…
-Happy 16 Birthday Karin Monica-
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