SMAN 81 Jakarta – Tennis Indoor Senayan
REVIVAL is an annual art festival presented by SMAN 81 Jakarta. This was the seventh year they’ve been doing it and we believe it will be go on and on and on!
As the usual as other big events, they also facing finance problem which made the team worked harder than before, be united more than before. But, this was not what we are proud of…
One of the team shared it to us in our third meeting. I remembered it well she said “Kak, kita banyak tantangan dari anak2 angkatan atas mantan panitia Revival.. kita sudah pake vendor yang sama selama 2 tahun berturut-turut dan mereka tanya kenapa kok tahun ini mau ganti vendor padahal harganya lebih mahal. Simple aja sih kak, kita pengen Revival taun ini kualitasnya lebih bagus… makanya untuk dana kita usahain mati2an.. tapi yang paling penting itu buktiin ke kakak senior kalo pilihan kita untuk ganti vendor ga salah..”
Ok. we heard it, and we did understand how they felt.
Did we made it? Hell yeaaah,
Did we out-stood last year’s vendor? That’s what they said 🙂
REVIVAL 7 is a huge success, a huge crowd, with 4 line-up star performers : MIDNIGHT QUICKIE, HIVI, NEUROTIC, and the last ANGGER DIMAS
no other word! Thank you guys for the opportunity and trust.. we are hoping to see you guys in the next yearssss
Enjoy some of our photos uploaded 🙂
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