Purple Butterfly

Clara Elizabeth – Luna Negra

Here comes the 5 facts about her!?
1. To be honest.. The first time we went to her home for a meeting, our first impression was like… eheeem that face is soo familiar..then we started to think out loud?okay! Turns out she has a lot of mutual friends and best friend having their 17 parties with us ?
2. She thought and prepared quite details for her party. She talked and really knew what exactly she wanted and we’re like her follower
3. She’s pretty! Yes she’s! She’s totally pretty in and out! She loves to laugh a lot without worrying what her faces might look like.. envy that’s the only word we have ?
4. Ribbon backdrop.. A 4×3 m backdrop totally made from ribbon, lace, and cloth fabric.. that’s our first experience and the making is really not as easy as it’s said. 8 people, 5 days, 25 hours ??? Are we having the next version? hahaa.. should get 8 ‘yes’ before we did it again ?
5. The latest! Santa Ursula.. yeaaay! That freakin’ yet fun headache was coming again to us?? the games discussion was like.. “cici kalo pusing gpp deh kita main yg udah pernah” hahahha ? we totally saved and played 3 different games and CNC team felt like winning a lottery the moment we could find those 3 games ?? Happy birthday once again dear Lala @claraaelizabeth thank you for celebrating it with us! Such a priviledge ??

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