The 16th birthday celebration of Britney @britneylie
1. Ci, aku mending rayain 16th apa 17th ya? Aku bingung.. that’s how we started our conversation ?. She said, kalo aku rayain 17th, 16th ini mau dinner ajaaa temanya pyjamas parties! Kalo rayain aku mau Alice in wonderland! After several days of chit-chatting, she then decided to have a sweet 16th party. OK kalo aku rayain 17, nanti temen2 banyak yg udah keluar negeri
2. United grand hall! Yes we proposed it to her. The unique ‘bata merah’ of the interior design is so match with her theme.. we loved her and her mom ❤! They let our true imagination of Clasisc Alice turns into reality without any simplification
3. Ting! The elevator opened up.
– You then gonna meet a waiter asking you to have a small bottle of poisonous drink
– Ooplah.. becoming small and down into the rabbit hole?!
– Say hello to another waiter picking u up at the end of the hole givin’ some biscuits for you to be back to normal size and
– Please follow the road signage and read the chapter one of ‘Britney in Wonderland’ then
– follow the rabbit and walk into the giant chess pions aisle and
– Welcome to WONDERLAND
4. Her mom never said no to anything. She just said Nonny atur semua, saya sibuk ?? they even confirmed us 2 months before and specially asked to get some 3D foam done for her pre-16th photoshoot. She got such a thematical photshoot and having them hanged in a 6×3 m size photo corner
5. Skinny Indonesian 24 @skinnyindonesian24id @andovidalopez @jovialdalopez. We invited them as the MCs and BOOM! They never failed to amaze us! We had fun that night. Britney had fun. All her friends and family had fun! ??@mel_christin
Happiest 16th birthday once again Brit! Thanks for celebrating it with us ?
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