As dreamy as one can wish, I only hope to be a prudent princess ? •Celine Cannie Wongso•
1. Cici Nancy, yes we call her cici not ‘tante’.A sexy mother of three who’s still happening, kekinian, following trend, and enjoying her every bits of life! One of the talented fashion designer we ever met, but she bravely quit her work at the moment she felt being a mother is much more important. She designed all three breathtakingly gowns for her only daughter’s special day!
2. Koko Lianto Wongso, yes one of the senior master tailor in Wong Hang. Full of pride and enjoying working hard everyday ’till night in his second home ‘Wong Hang Kelapa Gading’. First impression : Full of passion, shine brightly, proudly carries Wong Hang Tailor in every seconds of his life. A one example of “Do what you like, and you’ll never feel like working at all”
3. Celine Cannie Wongso the eldest and the only daughter in the family. Being treated like a princess and always having a feeling her Dad will always be her “prince charming”
4. Nonny, said ci Nancy. Yowes. Undangan tak bikin sama kamu, g jadi pake kenalanku. Anakku manyun berhari2 pusing aku! ? Surabaya! Yes they are. A very fun and humble family always having that ‘arek suroboyo’ accent
5. Celine. Moso temanya bebek hitam. Family nanti ngomel.. hitam2! ya aku sukanya itu ? in the end, they reached an agreement. Mixed swan black and white, colorful mini garden, and grand castle (as per ci Nancy’s wish) on stage
6. Gettin’ A mercedes benz GLA as a birthday present from popo. WOW. Popo cucu 12, cewe cuma 3. Nanti semuanya dapat mobil ?
7. Hard work. Yes. Tryin to be perfect. Yes. This was exactly how CNC team behaved facing a client with a very fun smiley fully trusting us Ci Nancy and a wise, cool, saying “Aku g nawar loh ya, kerja itu harus senang, kasihkan saja best price” Ko Lianto
They might not remember every meetings, words, stories, or life knowledge they shared with us. Deep from our heart, We are beyond grateful for having a client who treated us like their own friends. Thank you once again. There are no words enough to express our gratitude
Happy sweetest 17th Birthday hey Cia Cia ❤❤
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