The Ritz Carlton – Darlin Valentine
“I can’t go back to yesterday because I was a different person then. “
-Alice in Wonderland-
 Darlin chose ‘Alice in Wonderland‘ as her birthday party theme. The more we heard her reasons behind her choice, the more we understood that her life was mirroring Alice at that time. She was so excited about her life like she was living in a wonderland and she had lot of unsure things going on. She knew when she’s turning 17, she was no longer ‘previous’ her. She knew when she’s turning 17, more surprise things will come through her life. Her party was wonderfully prepared from the beginning to the end. Wonderful decorations; wonderful family, wonderful food & beverages, also wonderful friends certainly made her becoming more excited in facing her future wonderland!
Enjoy the photos and video uploaded!
We invite all girls to create another wonderland with us đŸ˜‰
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