Shoe Bakery

Vania Beatrice – Shoe Bakery

Cupcakes and lollies
Candies and ice cream
They all just an additional touch up for my ‘SHOE BAKERY” 17th party

1. Vania Beatrice. The first daughter in the family and having only 1 little sister. Both are their parents’ princess. We rememberred her mom said it clearly “Anak saya kalo bisa belajar semuanya, les semuanya, jadi ketauan bakatnya dimana” believe it or not? Vania even once joined a floral arrangement class ?

2. Sun city. Yes that’s her first venue option. Her mom paid the down payment far before meeting us and we just knew we only had around 2 hours to do the whole decorations. We put our both hands above raising a white flag saying we couldn’t do it. Guess what her mom did? She let her DP gone for the sake of Vania’s and moved to JW Marriott ?

3. Oct 1st was her original party date and yet we moved until Nov 6. They are having an urgent family matter which made them need to post phoned the celebration and How Great is our God. The magic worked when every talent booked all available on Nov 6 ? she firstly planned to move to Nov 4?haha lucky she didn’t do it – remember we’re having that big AHOK demo on that day ?

4. Shoe bakery. OK what’s it? Cici coba ini cek instagramnya! OMG a shoe designer making all shoes based on waffle/ cakes ?? a US based shoe designer where she directly bought the shoe and waited for 1.5 months to arrive

5. She invited anak2 panti asuhan on that day! They enjoyed very well while she thought carefully about them even prepared 1 special game for them to play. All in white dress and they sang a special happy birthday song just for her!

Happy birthday once again Vania @meitantei_vania hope u’re having a blast ❤

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